According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately half of all children aged 12 years and under have been bitten by a dog, and 79% of fatal dog attacks involve children. Dog bites can leave significant scars and result in high medical expenses. Moreover, such bites or attacks can cause severe emotional and psychological injuries that can last long after the physical wounds have healed. It is therefore important to raise awareness and encourage accountability to reduce the incidence of dog bites and attacks.

Dog owners have a responsibility to ensure that their pets do not pose a threat to others. There are several reasonable steps an owner can take to prevent attacks and keep others safe. Furthermore, some individuals own dog breeds known for their potential to cause serious injury and even death. In such cases, the owner of an abnormally dangerous animal is responsible for any harm it causes.

Call us now: 406.522.7744 if a dog bite or attack has affected you.